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Ever Wondered What Freedom Taste Like?

It's a Sleek, Pocket-Sized Vape for Smooth, Amazing Flower Sessions…


Smoother chats

Chill vibes

Bright ideas

Pure joy

Stress relief

Energized moods

Sharper senses

This isn't just talk. This could be happening, now, for you.

It's time to get yourself a new dry herb vape or fresh cannabis flower. 
Why not get both!

 It's relaxation, discreetly shipped. 

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Just imagine a world where indulging in your favorite pastimes comes with zero hassles.

Want to get the amazing feeling of a discreet escape into bliss anytime, anywhere?
The Palmer slides into small spaces for vaping flower on the go without drawing attention. 
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Your secret's safe with the Palmer.

Dry herb vapes heats the flower below combustion temperature, releasing a light, fragrant vapor instead of thick smoke that announces what you’re doing!

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Are you ready to get relaxed in 60 or less?

Purchase the Palmer Dry Herb Vaporizer. It's easy to use right out of the package. 

Pack Flower Here


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Lid On with 5 Clicks to Heat

2. Heat


Hit and Enjoy 


Purchase delicious flower that has enjoyable effects here.

Video of Hemp Field sells dry herb vaporizer and hemp delta 8 cannabis
The best portable vape is the Palmer Dry Herb Vaporizer

A Sleek, Pocket-Sized Vape for Smooth, Subtle Flower Sessions.

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* measured in inches

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Frequently asked questions

Learn More

Did you know the human body
works with cannabinoids?

A little bit of Science for you!

Every human being has an Endocannabinoid System that works in synergy with Cannabinoids that are within and enter the body. Learn more below.

National Library of Medicine
National Center for Biotechnology Medicine. 

"Cannabis sativa has been used for recreational [1,2], therapeutic [3,4], and other purposes for thousands of years [5]. The plant contains more than 120 terpenes called phytocannabinoids, including one of the main and most recognized representatives, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The molecular structure of Δ9-THC was identified for the first time in 1964, which led to the supposition of the existence of a cannabinoid receptor and boosted the discovery of the endocannabinoid system (eCB), which is largely an intercellular system that is responsible for energy homeostasis and regulates food intake, metabolism, and energy expenditure, maintaining a consistent body weight [6]. In addition to appetite, eCB might contribute to cognitive processes linked to memory, mood, and pain [7]." Rezende B, Alencar AKN, de Bem GF, Fontes-Dantas FL, Montes GC. Endocannabinoid System: Chemical Characteristics and Biological Activity. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2023 Jan 19;16(2):148. doi: 10.3390/ph16020148. PMID: 37017445; PMCID: PMC9966761.

"The Hippocratic Oath reminds to “first, do no harm.” It cannot be over-emphasized that there has never been a death from overdose attributed to cannabis. In fact, no deaths whatsoever have been attributed to the direct effects of cannabis. Cannabis has a safety record that is vastly superior to all other pain medications."

Webb CW, Webb SM. Therapeutic benefits of cannabis: a patient survey. Hawaii J Med Public Health.  Apr;73(4):109-11. PMID: 24765558; PMCID.

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